Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Scheduled Maintenance - June 16th 0:00 AM to 3:00 AM

Our servers will undergo maintenance on June 16th 0:00 AM to 3:00 AM. During this time, JustSnipe may experience slow performance or temporary unresponsiveness.

Please note that any active snipes during this period may not be executed, resulting in potential loss of an auction. Some sections of our website may also be unavailable and display error messages.

We apologize for the late notice and appreciate your understanding. 


JustSnipe Support




Friday, April 21, 2023

Important System Update: Hard Refresh Required

We are excited to announce that our system has just been updated with new features and improvements. However, in order to fully experience these changes, you may need to perform a hard refresh on your browser.

A hard refresh will clear your browser's cache and reload the page from the server.

This ensures that you are viewing the most up-to-date version of our system.

To perform a hard refresh on most browsers, please follow these simple steps:

Windows: Press Shift + Ctrl + F5
Mac: Press Command + Shift + R
Linux: Press Ctrl + Shift + R

To check the current version of the site, please scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will see the version of the page on your system. Our current version is:


If the version displayed is different from the above, we recommend clearing your browser cache and restarting your browser. This will ensure that you are accessing the latest version of our site and may resolve the issue.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we believe that the benefits of the update will outweigh any temporary inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.


JustSnipe Support





Sunday, April 16, 2023

Scheduled Maintenance - April 21st 0:00 AM to 3:00 AM

Our servers will undergo maintenance on April 21st 0:00 AM to 3:00 AM. During this time, JustSnipe may experience slow performance or temporary unresponsiveness.

Please note that any active snipes during this period may not be executed, resulting in potential loss of an auction. Some sections of our website may also be unavailable and display error messages.

We apologize for the late notice and appreciate your understanding. 


JustSnipe Support




Friday, March 17, 2023

Scheduled Maintenance - March 22nd 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM (02:00 - 4:00 03/22/2023)

 Our servers will undergo maintenance on March 22nd 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM. During this time, JustSnipe may experience slow performance or temporary unresponsiveness.

Please note that any active snipes during this period may not be executed, resulting in potential loss of an auction. Some sections of our website may also be unavailable and display error messages.

We apologize for the late notice and appreciate your understanding. 


JustSnipe Support




Thursday, March 09, 2023

Scheduled Maintenance - March 10th 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM (00:00 - 3:00 03/10/2023)

Our servers will undergo maintenance on March 10th 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM. During this time, JustSnipe may experience slow performance or temporary unresponsiveness.

Please note that any active snipes during this period may not be executed, resulting in potential loss of an auction. Some sections of our website may also be unavailable and display error messages.

We apologize for the late notice and appreciate your understanding. 


JustSnipe Support





Tuesday, March 07, 2023

What currency is JustSnipe using to bid on my eBay auction?

JustSnipe automatically uses the currency set by the seller for the auction you're bidding on, and displays the original currency when you enter your snipe.

Please do not include any currency symbols or commas when entering your bid amount.


CORRECT: 32.24

WRONG: $32.24

WRONG: 32,24




What is eBay security token?

JustSnipe has upgraded its security measures by switching from eBay id/password to the eBay security token for a few years now. This new system enables JustSnipe to securely place snipe bids and better protect your JustSnipe/eBay account.

To utilize the eBay security token when you sign up for JustSnipe, there is a backend process that is required. The eBay security token's lifespan is determined by eBay's configuration, but typically it lasts from a few months to a few years.

As the expiration date of your eBay security token approaches, JustSnipe will alert you through your account to ensure that you can continue using our service without any disruptions. If the eBay security token is not renewed, it may prevent you from placing bids on our platform. 


Visit the link below for instructions on how to re-new or re-authorize your eBay security token. 





Monday, March 06, 2023

What are the limited features in your Free membership plan?

The "Free Membership" plan offered by JustSnipe provides users with a limited set of features. While the plan is free, it is subject to certain restrictions.

One of the main limitations is that free members are only allowed 5 snipe credits per week. Additionally, to support the cost of providing the free service, JustSnipe displays banner ads on some of its pages.

However, users who wish to take advantage of more features and benefits can consider upgrading to a paid membership plan. JustSnipe offers various membership plans that come with different levels of benefits, such as increased snipe credits, real-time price checks, and email notifications. 

For more information about the available plans and their features, please visit the JustSnipe website at: 



If you have any further questions, please contact support@justsnipe.com 

Monday, February 27, 2023

What is the bid amount that JustSnipe will be placing for me?

When you place a bid through JustSnipe, you enter your maximum bid amount, which is the highest amount that you are willing to pay for the item. JustSnipe's server will then submit your maximum bid amount to eBay at the last seconds of the auction, using eBay's proxy bidding system to ensure that your bid is competitive and that you have the best chance of winning the auction.

After your bid is submitted, eBay's proxy bidding system will automatically increase your bid up to your maximum amount in response to competing bids from other bidders. If there are no competing bids, you will win the auction at the current bid price, which may be less than your maximum bid amount.

Overall, JustSnipe allows you to place bids on eBay auctions with confidence, knowing that your bid will be submitted at the last seconds of the auction and that you will have the best chance of winning the auction at the lowest possible price.





Wednesday, February 01, 2023

What are the JustSnipe Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

You can view our terms of service and privacy policy at:

Terms of Service:


Privacy Policy: 